

如果re is immediate risk to health or safety, please contact Campus Safety at 518-580-5566 或者当地警察打911


的 following guide will help you navigate what to do if a student discloses to you 性行为:性或基于性别的不端行为.



If you believe a student is about to tell you about an incident of sexual or gender-based misconduct, explain your 报告的职责 之前 他们做了披露. 如果 学生想和某人说话 没有 any information being reported, refer them to the on-campus 和 off-campus confidential 或者匿名支持资源.

所有 faculty 和 staff are required to report incidents of 性和基于性别的不当行为.




Provide 学生 with nonjudgmental 支持 和 ensure 学生 is safe. If there is immediate danger, contact Campus Safety at 518-580-5566.



解释你的报告职责 为学生提供参考资源.



At the earliest possible time (no later than 24 hours) after the disclosure, report the incident to 乔尔Aure, 第九条 cooridinator, at 518-580-5708.




火博体育大学 is committed to providing a safe 和 nondiscriminatory learning, 工作和生活环境. 学院受理所有与性和性别有关的指控 misconduct (SGBM) seriously 和 is committed to providing information, resources 和 clear direction to all members of the campus community so that together we can help 防止和处理这种行为. 学院认识到重要的信任关系 faculty 和 staff have with students 和 the difficulty that may come with responding to a disclosure of SGBM by a student, as you aim to help 学生 和 meet your 帮助确保我们社区安全的义务. 本指南提供基本的 steps, guidance 和 information to assist you in these situations. 请理解, however, that this brief guide cannot 和 does not address every aspect of responding 对SGBM的披露. If at any point you have questions or want additional guidance 或信息,请联系第九条协调员.


所有 faculty 和 staff are required to report incidents of SGBM of which they become aware 给第九条协调员. 这一要求适用于所有教职员工,因为 of the college’s commitment to provide a safe 和 nondiscriminatory campus, 也 作为教育法第九条规定的职责. 这个要求的唯一例外是 the following confidential resources: (1) Counseling Center staff 和 (2) Health Services. Additionally, 火博体育大学 has designated victim advocates who serve as anonymous 学生支援资源. (如果你对你的报告状态有任何疑问, 请联系第九条协调员核实.)


火博体育学院的政策 covers incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking 和 other SGBM experienced by a student, regardless of where or when it occurs, or by whom, whether between people of different sexes or the same 性别,而不考虑学生的性别认同. (如果你不确定是否发生事故 falls into any of these categories, contact the 第九条 coordinator, who can assist with making the determination prior to your reporting of personally identifying information.)


If you believe a student is about to tell you about an incident of SGBM, explain your 报告的职责 之前 他们做了披露. 如果这是不可能的,在披露之后尽快做. You can explain that even though you are obligated to share the information with college personnel specially trained to respond, 学生’s privacy will be respected; identities 和 details will be shared only with those who need to know to 支持 学生 并通过学院的流程来解决这个问题. 你可以告诉那个人 that someone will explain these processes in detail 和 that 学生 will be involved 在决定披露的结果会发生什么. 如果学生这么做了 not wish to disclose the incident or provide further details to you, refer them to 校内和校外的资源,发现在 你有选择 小册子和 "如果你经历过不当行为"网页. 你也可以考虑在你的教学大纲中添加一个陈述. 

例子: "Thank you for coming to talk to me about such a serious issue. 我得告诉你 that if I become aware that sexual or gender-based misconduct has occurred, I am required to inform the 第九条 coordinator, who is specially trained to respond, so that steps can be taken to ensure your safety 和 the safety of our community. 你的隐私 be respected, but if you prefer to talk to someone who does not have an obligation 要报告,还有其他选择. 在校园里,你可以和咨询中心的人谈谈 健康服务中心或者受害者维权组织. 也有当地的校外资源 也." 

然后,您可以向他们提供一份 你有选择 小册子或指引他们到如果你经历过不当行为的一部分.


One of the most important ways to provide 支持 is to listen 没有 judging or 指责. Remember that no matter what the circumstances, no one deserves to be subjected 对SGBM. 允许学生谈论他们的经历. 这个人可能不知道 what to call what happened; do not define the experience for them. 跟随他们的领导; do not take control of the situation or try 和 do something to "fix" it. 经历过 SGBM can cause the person to feel a loss of control; let 学生 make their own 决定,并支持他们的决定. 也要明白,每个人的反应都是独一无二的 对SGBM. Some common reactions may include shock, fear, embarrassment, guilt, anger, 抑郁和/或不知所措. 做一个支持人员,帮助学生找到 支持.


如果re is immediate danger, call Campus Safety at 518-580-5566. 的 你有选择 小册子和 "如果你经历过不当行为"网页 have additional information for contacting police in non-emergencies 和 for local 医院,除了校内资源. 记住,一切都是受害者的 选择是否报警.


为学生提供 你有选择 宣传册.


At the earliest possible time (no later than 24 hours) after you receive information that a student has experienced SGBM, you must report it to 第九条协调员 Joel 电话:518-580-5708 (jaure@889mk.com). You will need to report all relevant details about the incident(s) disclosed by 学生. This includes the names of 学生, the accused 和 any witnesses, 也 as any other relevant facts, including the date, time 和 specific location 事件的经过. Once you have reported 给第九条协调员, you do not need 采取进一步行动. 但是,你要明白,我们可能会联系你跟进 学院回应报告时提供的信息.